Clubs en discotheken · Feestlocatie & trouwlocatie


    Rembrandtplein 11, Amsterdam
    2000 personen

    Escape Club, Escape deLux, Escape Lounge and the Royal Room can be rented for different (business) purposes, like dance events, club nights, student parties, private parties, business parties with full catering (dinner, buffet, walking dinners, snacks) live music, stand-up comedy, product presentations, seminars, (business) meetings, etc.

    With the rent of the location we provide a full service package containing serving personell, bartender, energy costs, cleaning costs, light and sound facilities. The surface of the locations varies from 140 m2 till 800m2.

    The capacity of the locations are:

    • Escape Club 1.500
    • Escape deLux 300
    • Royal Room 250
    • Escape Lounge 200

    If you are interested, be aware that we have a weekly club night in Escape Club on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday evening. Only for huge commercial purposes these evenings are discussable. The smaller locations do have availability on these days. We also have a licence for day time events!


    For more information you can contact us. Please mention your contact details as address, phone number, in which date you are interested and in which location.

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    Rembrandtplein 11
    1017 CT Amsterdam
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